No label defined (E1)

From Hypotheseis
Revision as of 10:28, 28 March 2024 by Epìdosis (talk | contribs) (Updated Schema text: Fix +)
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language codelabeldescriptionaliasesedit
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX p: <>
PREFIX pq: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>

start = @<hypothesis>

<hypothesis> EXTRA wdt:P4 {
  wdt:P4 [wd:Q78 wd:Q79 wd:Q80 wd:Q81] + ;
  wdt:P6 . + ; # testo della ὑπόθεσις
  #p:P6 { ps:P6 rdf:langString + ; pq:P7 [wd:Q44] + ; prov:wasDerivedFrom + ; } ; testo della ὑπόθεσις
  wdt:P10 [wd:Q42] + ; # tratto da
  wdt:P13 @<genere> + ; # genere letterario della ὑπόθεσις
  wdt:P25 . ? ; # personaggi
  wdt:P35 . ? ; # oggetti
  wdt:P26 . ? ; # azioni/condizioni
  wdt:P27 . ? ; # luogo
  wdt:P28 . ? ; # epoca
  wdt:P19 . ? ; # rielabora
  wdt:P20 . ? ; # confrontabile con
  wdt:P30 . ? ; # contrario di
  rdfs:label rdf:langString +;

#<opera> EXTRA wdt:P4 { wdt:P4 [wd:Q3] +; }
<genere> EXTRA wdt:P5 { wdt:P5 [wd:Q31 wd:Q32] +; }